Solving Minecraft SEUS Shader `OpenGL error: 1282 (Invalid operation)` on Linux (Steam Deck, MESA Driver)


Being strict is not always good.

I opened Minecraft and tried to add a shader on my Steam Deck, but it rendered a weird not-textured scene.

Optifine reported an error in the console OpenGL error: 1282 (Invalid operation).

So according to the blog, remove the const keyword from gbuffers_textured.fsh (~line 240):

- const float K_R = 0.186 * rayleighAmount;
- const float K_M = 0.035 * mieAmount;
+ float K_R = 0.186 * rayleighAmount;
+ float K_M = 0.035 * mieAmount;

Similarly, in (~line 220):

- const float K_R = 0.186 * rayleighAmount;
- const float K_M = 0.035 * mieAmount;
+ float K_R = 0.186 * rayleighAmount;
+ float K_M = 0.035 * mieAmount;

Ref: SEUS Renewed1.0.0のInvalid programエラー解決法 | サイバー×サイバー

I also have another error saying:

error: no function with name 'texture2DLod'

After doing some googling, I add these at the beginning of

+ #extension GL_ARB_shader_texture_lod : require

No errors anymore.


It seems like the MESA driver implies the OpenGL standard more strictly than others, so these miss-coding codes can run perfectly on Windows but not on Linux.


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